Join us and the team from ICD High Performance Coatings to learn about silicone-based coating technologies that can be specified as an alternative to ceramic frit for spandrel glass applications. You'll receive the course link via email prior to the program.
This course will provide architects and designers with information about silicone-based coating technologies that can be specified as an alternative to ceramic frit for spandrel glass applications. Attendees will learn how spandrel glass is used on a facade for aesthetic value and functionality.
We'll discuss specific factors related to high-performance silicone coatings, including:
Thermal stress breakage mitigation
Facade visual harmonization
Color matching capabilities
Course Type: Online
Program Fee: $0
AIA HSW LU’s Available: 1
This course is also eligible for 1 GBCI General Hour.
For questions, contact:
Kate Stewart
(360) 989-0425
Over 3000 design professionals have taken our 2020 programming; we feel that Western New York professionals would be interested in this course.