Intended for licensed architects, engineers, or building code officials, this course certifies attendees as Building Evaluators in the California Safety Assessment Program (SAP). The program is managed by Cal EMA with cooperation from professional organizations, including the AIA. It utilizes volunteers and mutual aid resources to provide professional engineers and architects and certified building inspectors to assist local governments in safety evaluation of their built environment in an aftermath of a disaster. SAP the preferred training standard of the AIA Disaster Assistance Program, which provides leadership, advocacy, and training to architects who are interested in volunteering their professional skills in times of crisis.
This workshop will teach participants to conduct rapid damage assessments of structures affected by earthquakes, wind, and water. It also teaches the appropriate protocol for coordinating with emergency managers to limit professional liability. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to consistently and safely assess structures for habitability and will receive a Building Evaluator certification from the state of California.
There are 6.5 LU/HSW credits available to those who attend. Online registration is required for this event. There is a program fee of $165 for AIA members or $180 for non-members. Please click here to go to the registration website.